Ownprint's Policies

Order Updates Policy

Ownprint Order Updates Policy

At Ownprint, we recognize that changes of heart or simple mistakes can happen. Whether it's a change in preference, an error in inputting details, or a last-minute update to make your personalized product perfect, we're here to help adjust your order to match your needs and those of your customers. This policy provides guidance on when and how you can update your order details, such as engraving details, product color, custom cards, and shipping addresses, to ensure your satisfaction with the final product.

When You Can Update Your Order

Eligible Stages for Updates:

  • Unpaid/Awaiting Payment: Orders that have not yet been paid for can have their details updated.
  • On Hold (Awaiting More Details): Orders on hold for additional details are eligible for updates.
  • Design Status: Orders still in the design phase can be updated to ensure all personalization details are accurate.

Timing is Crucial

Our order processing is designed to be efficient, moving quickly from design to production. This means updates are subject to a narrow window of opportunity:

  • You have 2 to 24 hours from the time of order placement to make any necessary changes.
  • We recommend reviewing and requesting any updates as soon as possible to ensure your order meets your expectations.

Limitations on Updates

  • Post-Design Stage: Once an order moves beyond the design status, we are unable to make changes. This includes orders in production or those that have already been produced.
  • Efficiency in Production: To maintain our commitment to timely delivery, orders progress quickly through our workflow. This efficiency means that the window for making changes is limited.

How to Request an Order Update

  1. Check Order Status: Visit your Ownprint dashboard to determine the current status of your order.
  2. Submit Update Request: If your order is in an eligible stage for updates, please reach out to us immediately via email with your order number and the specific changes you wish to make.
  3. Act Quickly: Given the rapid progression of orders from design to production, prompt action is required to ensure we can accommodate your updates.

Our Commitment

We are dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction with every Ownprint product. While we strive to accommodate updates to your orders, we appreciate your understanding of the limitations once orders have progressed beyond certain stages. Our team is here to assist you in making these updates where possible and to provide guidance throughout the process.

For more information, please check our order cancellation and refunds policy.